Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Contrextual justifiplanated internavidualitisms!

I made a word!

I've decided to use the word Internavidualitisms to describe those isms that are not technically isms which are typically a political ideology or personal belief system. Things like fears, phobias, personal struggles, and stress factors of which are impacting only to the individual.

Contrext... Hey, another new word! Context that reveals Contrast = Contrext!

Contrext is always interesting. Hearing someone explain where they are coming from usually involves justifiplanations... AHH! I DID IT AGAIN! Justifying explanations = Justifiplanations!


Hearing someone explain where they are coming from usually involves justifiplinations like "I know it's silly, but it's a big deal to me. I've never gone through anything like this before".

I've spoken to a few folks lately about their fears, and others about the things that stress them to their breaking point, and I've come up with a metaph... Nope, can't make a new compound word with metaphor because all I have is a metaphor.


Individual experiences are like structures in a city.

In the small town where I live, the six or so story retirement home in the historic downtown area is the tallest structure. Standing at the top of that structure the rest of the city looks short. Even the brick faced law offices and loft apartments are small in their two and three level buildings if you are looking down at them from above. From a distance, in comparison to the buildings around it, the retirement home looks like a skyscraper...

In Chicago, Willis tower with it's 108 floors stands proudly above the rest. From the top you wouldn't perceive the existence of a six level retirement home like the tallest building in my little town.


Some of us have walked through things that no person should ever have to walk through. We have built cities full of experiences! There are bad parts of town that we should never wander into again, and there are Willis Towers standing proud and triumphant above those bad parts of town. We were there, but now we're 108 floors up and those smaller experiences are just the surrounding architecture.

There are also those who are just starting to lay the groundwork for their cities. Those who haven't yet wandered into the dark parts, or are in the middle of finding their way back out again. Those who are at the street level looking up at the six floor skeleton construction of the tallest building they have ever tried to build, wondering how they'll ever finish it, and who stole their hammer.

To them it's huge, daunting, impossible, and they are terrified.

It's human nature to look at someone who has not dealt with the same type of experiential construction as yourself and downplay their efforts, their inexperience, their fears. You'll think to yourself If I was able to build Willis Tower and climb it, why can't they build that trailer park? when to them, the trailer park is their biggest challenge yet.

No amount of contrextual justifiplanations of a persons internavidualisms will ever bring understanding of what they are walking through because you are not that person. You are you, and you will never have the same vantage as the someone walking through the something.

What I'm telling you is this:

Stop seeking contrextual justifiplanations for each internavidualitism when what you should be doing is offering to let your brother or sister explore your city and borrow your hammer.

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